Author: Rob Parker

In January 2025 an Australian Delegation led by Ted O'Brien MP visited the South Korean Nuclear Industry. Members who accompanied Ted O'Brien were Helen Cook, Robert Parker, Stephen Wilson and Jasmin Diab. The meetings and organisation were handled brilliantly by Mike Newman. We spoke with key constructors of...

GNE Advisory's Helen Cook is an Internationally recognised adviser on all aspects of the civilian nuclear energy sector. GNE Advisory is a boutique law practice dedicated to the nuclear energy sector. Helen Cook, Principal of GNE Advisory, has expertise advising on both the structuring and establishment...

Nuclear For Climate Australia Submission to: House Select Committee on Nuclear Energy Robert Parker 13th November, 2024 Nuclear Energy is Essential to Meeting the National Electricity Law Our full report can be downloaded at this link: Executive Summary The key theme of this submission which is outlined in Sections 2 and...

Outline In this paper we compare the effectiveness of electricity generating systems based exclusively on wind, solar and hydro – referred to as “Renewable” with those based predominantly on nuclear energy. We compare their results in terms of emissions intensity and cost with the National Electricity...

Nuclear For Climate Australia is co-hosting a special event with our friends at WePlanet Australia and Going Fission. ​Join us in Morwell on the evening of Wednesday 18th September to hear about the role that nuclear could play in Australia’s energy future, and what this could...

This article addresses concerns of radiation health impacts to populations near nuclear power plants and to workers within those plants. It presents conclusions drawn from references looking at the health impacts on workers operating nuclear power plants and addresses concerns regarding leukaemia in children living near...

This study on radiation exposure in the workplace was commissioned by the US Navy and delivered surprising outcomes: The significantly lower cancer death rate of the nuclear workers cohort compared to the non nuclear worker controls suggests that increased low LET radiation may have stimulated...

Atte Harjanne, vice Chair of the Finnish Greens outlines the Party's prgmatic approach to Nuclear Energy [video poster="" width="1280" height="720" mp4=""][/video]...

Energy is the lifeblood of our society. It’s tied to the cost of our food, clothing, housing, healthcare and the inventions of our modern societies. The less it costs and the fewer resources it consumes, the more society flourishes In this interview with Nick Rheinberger on ABC...