Energy Sustainability and Human Dignity
Nuclear Energy leads to Sustainability and the flourishing of society and human dignity ...
Nuclear Energy leads to Sustainability and the flourishing of society and human dignity ...
Macron sets out plan for French nuclear renaissance 11 February 2022 - from World Nuclear News France will construct six new nuclear power reactors, consider building a further eight and push ahead with the development of small modular reactors, President Emmanuel Macron has said. President Macron presenting details of...
Nuclear energy teamed with renewables is the most secure low carbon, low cost energy solution for Australia. Dr Robert Barr's brilliant model of Australia's electricity generation looks at different scenarios using renewables, nuclear and a mix of both to find the optimal solution. Only by using as...
Amended 20/7/2021 Introduction Angus Taylor has an inquiry going into dispatchable energy and storage options for electricity production. The terms of reference suggest the need to enable Variable Renewable Energy Sources (VRE) such as wind and solar to be integrated into the National Electricity Market (NEM) in...
Click on the image or text to hear the interview [caption id="attachment_16896" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Rob Parker speaks with Michael McLaren on 2GB[/caption] ...
From The Australian 18/2/2021 EXCLUSIVE: GREG BROWN COALITION’S CLIMATE PUSH Nationals senators have drafted legislation allowing the Clean Energy Finance Corporation to invest in nuclear power as two thirds of Coalition MPs backed lifting the ban on the controversial fuel source to help shift the nation to a...
This article by James Fleay of DUNE - Down Under Nuclear Energy looks at investment in nuclear energy on the National Electricity Market. Nuclear energy is clean, cheap, reliable and safe. Like many advocates for nuclear energy in Australia, my colleagues and I believed that if the...
Nuclear Energy Podcast with 2GB's Luke Grant on Australia Overnight For the same money nuclear energy can deliver power prices at half those of NSW Energy Minister's $32 Billion renewable energy scheme. The renewable energy scheme would deliver only mediocre emissions reductions at about half our existing...
The $32 billion renewables plan for NSW announced by Energy Minister Matt Kean would, if implemented, consign our state to high power prices with only a modest reduction in carbon emissions. If directed to nuclear energy it would fully decarbonise the NSW grid and provide...
Nuclear for Climate Australia has made a submission to the National COVID-19 Coordination Commission. You can download the submission at the following link Covid Committee submission NFC...